31 January 2009
♥ i can't see the stars from the city
but when my headlights on dark roads
have led me home
I can see them again
they are perfectly clear
like a thousand tiny holes
pierced in the sky
I stand there
in the driveway
where I shared my first kiss with you
and I feel so small
and I wonder,
what will I be?
27 January 2009
♥ confession of the day
I live in fear that if I take the only wheelchair-accessible stall in a bathroom, someone will have a terrible and embarrassing accident and it will be all my fault.
25 January 2009
♥ weekend warrior
...there is nothing I want to do less than go back to school/work tomorrow.
20 January 2009
♥ for he's a jolly good fellow
It was so exciting to watch history literally being made all day. I am so proud of America today!
19 January 2009
♥ here's to new beginnings
I'm hoping this semester will bring us better, happier things than its predecessor. I know you can do it.
16 January 2009
♥ i love my new roommate!
Despite my rather inhumane schedule, this semester is looking up.
11 January 2009
♥ confession of the day
While everyone else seems excited, I am absolutely dreading going back to school.
10 January 2009
♥ mo' money, mo' problems
For example, spending $400 on textbooks for my spring classes is not my idea of an enjoyable afternoon.
08 January 2009
♥ and i just want you to know
that we datin' mad models
and poppin' mad bottles tonight
07 January 2009
♥ shit son!
A hundred bucks for going 52 in a 40 at 11:30 at night in the middle of nowhere with absolutely no other cars (save the one that pulled me over) on the road?! I am definitely dreading traffic court tomorrow.
01 January 2009
♥ so this is the new year
and I don't feel any different;
the clanking of crystal;
explosions off in the distance...
I wish the earth was flat like the old days
and we could travel just by holding a map
no more airplanes
or speed trains
or freeways
there'd be no distance that could hold us back