29 May 2009
♥ nothing like a little retail therapy!
Have I ever mentioned that I love 5 for $25 panties at Victoria's Secret? I also really enjoy that they have taken to classifying their undies as "cheeky," "cheekier," and "cheekiest." Guess which ones are my favorites?
24 May 2009
♥ summer's looking a little brighter now...
After spending the weekend in beautiful Grand Lake, I have resolved to spend more time outside this summer. Let the hiking begin!
22 May 2009
♥ employed at last!
I start my new career at Sports Authority on Tuesday. Would everyone please keep their fingers crossed that I am never required to answer any questions about baseball?
20 May 2009
♥ on my radar right now
♥ The Space Jam soundtrack. Who doesn't love a movie starring the cast of Looney Toons and Michael Jordan? In my opinion, there is no better movie, and its greatness can be attributed in large part to its excellent soundtrack of pump-me-up songs. If you only download one song, make it "Basketball Jones." (Cheech and Chong will make you pee your pants.)
♥ Get Shorty. Ok, it was popular a decade ago, but Elmore Leonard's crime novel is such a page-turner I feel like I would be lying if I didn't tell you I was incapable of putting it down. Chili Palmer is probably the best good/bad guy I've ever read about.
♥ The Kroenke-McMahon smackdown. For those who haven't been keeping up, a quick recap: Kroenke, who owns the Pepsi Center as well as our Nuggets, gave the Pepsi Center to Vince McMahon (chairman of the WWE, though please note for the record that I wasn't keeping track of events involving the WWE prior to this debacle) for the live taping of Monday Night Smackdown. But then the Nugs made the playoffs, and Kroenke needed the Pepsi Center for Game 4 of the Western Conference Finals against the Lakers. The solution? McMahon denounces our capital city in favor of Los Angeles (ouch!). I'm hoping for a cage match...
♥ Law & Order: SVU. We all know I love me some crime dramas, and this is by far the best-acted I've seen. I can't decide if I am more obsessed with Olivia Benson, Elliot Stabler, or the fact that Ice-T was given a role on a serious show. But be warned: once the theme song has ended and you hear that first gong, you are obligated to watch the episode in its entirety; it's impossible to pry yourself away.
♥ Bargain hunting. I'm on a pretty tight budget these days what with my unemployment and all (please note that I have now applied for literally fifteen jobs), but that doesn't mean my love fo designer duds has dimmed. I recently bought a bea-you-tee-ful Kathy purse at Marshall's for a mere $40, and--get this--a super cute Ed Hardy t-shirt at Costco (no, I'm not joking) for $20! I also have a pair of earrings that you'd swear I got for $200 at Juicy Couture, but you'd be wrong: $8.50 at Claire's. I am becoming such a pro at this!
♥ Tea. Doesn't stain your teeth or give you nasty morning breath like coffee does (though I'll never give up coffee...), is full of healthy antioxidants, and packs a pretty powerful dose of caffeine! I'm not a big fan of green tea, and for those who agree with me, don't fear: this by no means limits your options. I love red teas; my favorite is the Pure Honey Bush (find it at Wystone's at Belmar in Lakewood).
13 May 2009
♥ ok, so i've pretty much worn out all my summer activities
Three days in, and I'm already bored out of my mind. I have applied for literally a dozen jobs, and everyone has either not called me back/blown me off post-interview/told me they were only hiring non-students who could stay through the fall/ignored me completely. As much as I enjoy sleeping as late as I want, I miss my cozy internship at the UMC! I am no longer waiting for an opportunity to present itself. I will seize the day. I will become gainfully employed!
11 May 2009
♥ call me a nerd,
but the Star Trek movie was basically super awesome. I now understand why, in college, my dad apparently referred to the characters as "his friends." I can definitely see myself watching Star Trek, season by season...
08 May 2009
♥ ...and let summer begin!
I didn't really realized until I started unpacking how much stuff I've accumulated... And, to be honest, the majority of it is just plain old crap. So this summer, I'm making it a goal to literally clean out my closet. I've already thrown away a giant garbage bag of junk, and I have a huge pile of clothes to donate. There's something about purging all that excess riffraff that makes me feel brand new... Perfect timing for what I'm predicting will be my best summer yet!
07 May 2009
♥ on my radar right now:
♥ textsfromlastnight.com. Hilarious. Most texts sound like an Emma-Kelsey exchange, which I always find amusing.
♥ 30 Rock. Tina Fey is loveable as always, and Jack Donaghey never ceases to add fire to my creepy older-man crush on Alec Baldwin. Delicious!
♥ Nike Shox. Without a doubt my comfiest, pinkest shoes. Considering they are meant for working out, I would even say they're pretty cute.
♥ The Yiddish Policemen's Union. Without a doubt the best book I've read in a long time. 400 pages flew by. Hilarious and poignant, especially now.
♥ Cycling. With summer (and the annual Walker Family MS-150 Extravaganza) just around the corner, I'm banking on getting back in shape; even considering a little competitive racing this summer. About time I found a sport to be good at!
♥ fmylife.com. If you haven't heard of it by now, you've obviously been living under a rock. I credit the lovely Miss Morgan with introducing me to the site before it was cool.
♥ The Sink. Best burgers in Boulder, hands down. Mmm.
♥ Vintage posters. I'm stocking up for my apartment next year... I'm absolutely in love with my plans for my (very own, non-shared) bedroom. Can't wait!
♥ Being home for the summer. I plan on spending the majority of it outside... Lots of hiking, biking, picnicking, etc.
♥ 30 Rock. Tina Fey is loveable as always, and Jack Donaghey never ceases to add fire to my creepy older-man crush on Alec Baldwin. Delicious!
♥ Nike Shox. Without a doubt my comfiest, pinkest shoes. Considering they are meant for working out, I would even say they're pretty cute.
♥ The Yiddish Policemen's Union. Without a doubt the best book I've read in a long time. 400 pages flew by. Hilarious and poignant, especially now.
♥ Cycling. With summer (and the annual Walker Family MS-150 Extravaganza) just around the corner, I'm banking on getting back in shape; even considering a little competitive racing this summer. About time I found a sport to be good at!
♥ fmylife.com. If you haven't heard of it by now, you've obviously been living under a rock. I credit the lovely Miss Morgan with introducing me to the site before it was cool.
♥ The Sink. Best burgers in Boulder, hands down. Mmm.
♥ Vintage posters. I'm stocking up for my apartment next year... I'm absolutely in love with my plans for my (very own, non-shared) bedroom. Can't wait!
♥ Being home for the summer. I plan on spending the majority of it outside... Lots of hiking, biking, picnicking, etc.