17 July 2009
♥ on my radar right now:
♥ New blog layout. I love it! Always nice to freshen things up...
♥ Babysitting. I have probably spent more time in other people's houses lately (between housesitting and babysitting) than in my own. As much as I love little people, I have to say that--at least for the next several years--this is excellent birth control.
♥ Vintage everything. I think my bedroom next year is going to be absolutely Emma in every way. I love Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, and the beauty and class they represent. Along with having their lovely faces staring at me each morning when I wake up, I'm thrilled to say that I now have a healthy dose of (non-tacky, I promise) vintage and antique furniture!
♥ Mash-ups. I had no idea how entertaining it could be to listen to bands like Super Mash Bros.! Download their album free here and see what I mean.
♥ Volunteering. The only downside is that I can't take all the cute homeless dogs with me when I leave. Putting in hours at the animal shelter is rewarding to say the least, and it's nice to do something besides navel-gaze all the time. I like the idea that I'm part of something bigger than myself.
♥ Duathlon-ing. The big race is tomorrow. Wish me luck!
♥ new apartment, here we come!
I'm so excited to move into my new apartment I can hardly stand it; in fact, it's pretty much all I talk/think about these days. We have pretty much all our communal furniture (though that's brought up some fairly concerning issues regarding a third roommate who has contributed very little--ok, absolutely nothing--so far): kitchen table with four chairs, courtesy of a garage sale; two barstools to be used at our kitchen nook (!!!); beautiful coffee table that I can't believe my mother is letting us have (it will definitely be our nicest piece of furniture); sofa from my uncle who recently moved into a teeny tiny loft in FoCo (it will most certainly need to be recovered; it's hideous)... I think that about covers it!
Not to mention my plans for my bedroom, which will be COMPLETE WITH A WALK-IN CLOSET AND PRIVATE BATHROOM. That's right, I'm yelling! Because I'm just that excited! The only thing I still feel I desperately need at this point is a cute little bench to go at the foot of my bed. I'm not sure why this seems so important, but I feel like it's going to tie everything together.
We move in on the 8th, and by move in I mean start painting. Everything should actually be moved in and ready to go by the 15th, which means my first night on my very own as a real live grown up will be August 16th. Pictures will obviously be up then! Gah, can't wait!
02 July 2009
♥ forced family fun to the rescue!
I can't say I was too thrilled about the idea of being stuck in the kids' room for the week (I'm a legal adult, for god's sakes!), but it turns out a few days of familial bonding in gorgeous Keystone was just what I needed. Aside from the sleepless nights--certain family members, whom I will not name here, are extremely prolific snorers--I must say I quite enjoyed this little vacation! Between jogging on the beautiful trails, mountain biking, rafting (including my uncle Jack's insistence, throughout the trip, that "things are about to heat up right around this bend, I can feel it!"), swimming, shopping to my little heart's content (outlets in Silverthorne, anyone?) and, as is Walker/Stroh family tradition, consuming copious amounts of carb-filled food, I'm happy to say I'm feeling quite content at the moment. Of course, there's nothing like those heart attack-destined distant cousins, whom I will also refrain from naming, to put me into an absolute exercise frenzy, and for once I've returned from vacation and still manage to fit into the majority of my clothes. After all, I did ride a bike 150 miles last weekend, and I've basically done nothing but exercise (ok, and eat) all week...
Quick aside: as usual, this annual family extravaganzapalooza has reminded me that I do, in fact, come by my ghetto booty quite honestly. The legendary "Stroh Butt," as it is referred to in my family, runs deep in my veins, and I am reminded once again that I must embrace it rather than attempt to exercise it away. Plus, it does look pretty fine in my brand new Calvin Klein jeans!