23 March 2005
♥ Other Rockin' Websites
- www.homestarrunner.com - few things rock more than Homestar. Play TROGDOR.
- www.whatsuckstoday.blogspot.com - Kayla's website. It has more than 200 hits now because Kayla rocks. Is very funny and has good links.
- www.angelfire.com/rpg2/goawaybrad - clearly, if you are Brad Erthal, you are not welcome at this site. Of course, how seriously can you take anything Docker says?
- www.rathergood.com/biscuits - very awesome. You should watch this and also the one with the crabs.
- www.bongonews.com - v. funny. Also, lots of Courtney Love bashings. I love it.