25 March 2005
♥ Who Is Andrew Resnik?
I'll tell you who. Andrew Resnik is a teeny-bopper. That's right. Actually, he's a reporter for Channel 9 News. But you know what? Like a year ago, Andrew disappeared. So, being naturally curious (okay, nosy... shut up), I checked into it.
A simple Googling of the name turned up more than I was actually interested in. Andrew Resnik was "taking some time off" for drug rehab. And, you know, whatever it takes, right?
But here's the thing: Andrew Resnik didn't even do, like, real, respectable drugs. He got thrown in the slammer (ok, rehab) for Ecstasy. That's a freakin' teeny bopper drug! That's the Persecuted Teen drug of choice! Andrew Resnik, though perhaps persecuted, is by no stretch of the imagination a teen.
Ok, that's pretty much who Andrew Resnik is. Mostly, I find it kind of irritating that I can't watch the news anymore and see him do a story or whatever without thinking "Jesus, that guy did freakin' Ecstasy. Poor sob couldn't even get ahold of a real drug..."
Anyway, that was kind of dumb and pointless. I really thought you should know who Andrew Resnik is.
The above picture, of course, is of Andrew Resnik. Thought you should know.
A simple Googling of the name turned up more than I was actually interested in. Andrew Resnik was "taking some time off" for drug rehab. And, you know, whatever it takes, right?
But here's the thing: Andrew Resnik didn't even do, like, real, respectable drugs. He got thrown in the slammer (ok, rehab) for Ecstasy. That's a freakin' teeny bopper drug! That's the Persecuted Teen drug of choice! Andrew Resnik, though perhaps persecuted, is by no stretch of the imagination a teen.
Ok, that's pretty much who Andrew Resnik is. Mostly, I find it kind of irritating that I can't watch the news anymore and see him do a story or whatever without thinking "Jesus, that guy did freakin' Ecstasy. Poor sob couldn't even get ahold of a real drug..."
Anyway, that was kind of dumb and pointless. I really thought you should know who Andrew Resnik is.

.The above picture, of course, is of Andrew Resnik. Thought you should know.
Disclaimer: My dad read this and said it's "not okay" to post on, like, authority / public figures and stuff. Well, I think that's censorship and, even though I'm not technically a person yet, my First Amendment rights tell me that I can pretty much say whatever I want about Andrew Resnik unless I'm completely making it up or whatever (slander, eh? Hey, Ann Coulter wrote a book called Slander. I hate Ann Coulter). But I guess my disclaimer is that I don't actually hate Andrew Resnik or anything. I don't touch that hate-o-rade. I mean, yeah, he, like, "made a mistake... blah blah blah*" or whatever... but the 'rents (er, my dad) say I shouldn't keep reminding him of it if he's "cleaned up his act." To which I say: "Um, Andrew Resnik has no idea... he'll probably never see my site... like 3 kids have actually looked at it, Dad." Anyway. I guess that's my disclaimer. That was a waste of ten minutes.
*This is where I lost interest in whatever my dad was saying and zoned out.
*This is where I lost interest in whatever my dad was saying and zoned out.