21 October 2005
E1eMeNt4l : seks
titothegreat2008 : lies and videotape
titothegreat2008 : drugs and rock-n-roll
E1eMeNt4l : umm... coffee and bookstores?
titothegreat2008 : sex, coffee and bookstores?
titothegreat2008 : wow, you like your sex with a side of class
E1eMeNt4l : i know, i not only give you the best ride of your life, i clean up too
titothegreat2008 : lies and videotape
titothegreat2008 : drugs and rock-n-roll
E1eMeNt4l : umm... coffee and bookstores?
titothegreat2008 : sex, coffee and bookstores?
titothegreat2008 : wow, you like your sex with a side of class
E1eMeNt4l : i know, i not only give you the best ride of your life, i clean up too