16 September 2006
♥ bulletins are for the weak.
But I'm weak. So here goes.
Write fifteen statements; each is intended for a different person. Never tell which is for whom.
Here's what I've always wanted to say to you:
Write fifteen statements; each is intended for a different person. Never tell which is for whom.
Here's what I've always wanted to say to you:
- I would resent you a little less if you weren't so much like me.
- Someday, you're going to realize he's not the rest of your life, and then you're going to really, really miss us.
- I wish I could find some way to explain what happened - and that for whatever it's worth, I still love you.
- If only you would stop trying so hard, we could accept you.
- Every time I think of you, I'm even more convinced.
- You inspire me.
- For some reason, I can be madder at you than at anyone else in the world, but at the end of the day, I realize it's only because I've never known a friendship this real - and the petty little things don't really mean much in the end.
- I wish you hadn't abandoned me, and I wish more than anything that you would come back and be my friend again.
- You are the most selfish person I've ever met, and I wish I never had to think of you again.
- I don't understand why I miss you so much.
- Everything I do in your presence is really just another attempt to gain your approval.
- I sometimes wonder how things would be if circumstances weren't what they are.
- I wish I could have saved you from all this, but I don't think I would have known how.
- If only you would just grow a spine: I don't think this is really what you want.
- Call me a hypocrite, but I really don't think you're good enough for him.