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31 October 2006

♥ sex / halloween

Alright, so my Tuesday afternoon session with Andrea has left me in the mood for some shrinking, and as I finally settled in to get started on my abstract for psych, my interest was piqued by an article titled "But the sex is so good!"

I think if you're reading about psychological disorders, pretty much anything you find can be attributed to a friend or family member. While this particular case doesn't fall into either category, I couldn't help but dredge up an unpleasant memory of her in a very sleazy costume today as I read about the moral dilemma she doesn't know she has.

But the sex is so good!
John D. Moore, MS, LPC, CADC

Is it wrong to be in a relationship because the sex is satisfying?

Jill has a problem. "I've been dating Steve for four months now, but we really don't have that much in common - except for the sex," she admits. " I've never been with a man who gratifies me in the way that he does. When we have sex, it's like the fourth of July and Christmas all wrapped up into one. Just thinking about it now turns me on. I mean the sex is soooo good!"

Xavier reports a similar problem. "She's a lawyer and I am a construction worker, it's not like we have a great deal to talk about, " he remarks. "But when she sleeps over at my place, let's just say that we don't get much rest. I mean sexually, we are on the same page - but that's about it. It's not like we are in love or anything."

Can you relate? If so, then welcome to the elite club of the sexually attached couples. In this relational scenario, the primary experience that binds the couple together is sex and is generally devoid of love. Similar to infatuation, sexually attached couples experience high levels of passion, with low levels of intimacy and emotion. This begs the questions: "Is it wrong to be in a relationship with someone based purely on good sex?"

The simple answer is no, however it is a bit more complicated then that. So how do you really know if this kind of relationship is healthy? To answer this question, it may help to examine your motivations and feelings.

Consider asking yourself the following five questions.

  1. Do I feel depressed after having sex?
  2. Does my partner want more from the relationship than just sex?
  3. Is their something personal going on in your life right now by which having a sexually stimulating experience relieves stress?
  4. Have you recently broken up with another person and have found yourself using sex as a means to cope with the emotional loss?
  5. Are you "hooked on the look" of your partner - meaning that you feel validated because he or she is attached to your arm?

If you found yourself answering "YES" to any of these questions, then it may be time to consider if this is truly the kind of relationship you want to be in. To be sure, there is nothing wrong with "sexually clicking" with another person and wanting to be physically stimulated. This is because we are all human beings and have certain "needs" that need to be attended to from time to time. But if the relationship is based solely on sex and is void of an emotional connection, then anticipate serious problems down the road. Why is this true? For the simple reason that at some point, the "fireworks in the bedroom" become less brilliant and you are eventually left with emptiness. In order for a healthy relationship to survive the long term, the ingredients of commitment, shared interests and good sex must be part of the relational equation. That said, if you have found yourself involved in a sexually attached relationship, seriously examine the motivations behind your desire to be with this person and don't be afraid to examine the physical connection vs. the emotional one. In the final analysis, you might just find that you have saved yourself a world of heartache and pain.

So go ahead, enjoy having sex with your partner and celebrate the fact that the "Sex is soooo good!" Just try to keep things in perspective. Who knows - in the future you just might find that "Prince Charming" or "Snow White" and go onto to build the relationship of your dreams!

Copyright © 2002 by John D. Moore, MS, CADC

Did anyone come to mind as you read? The italics were all mine, by the way, so if you were just skimming you basically got the jist of the article, which is that it's not healthy to be in a relationship based entirely on sex.

That said, it's time to move on to a lighter subject, that being my aversion to slutty Halloween costumes. Girls, as a general rule, take advantage of Halloween as an excuse to dress like a total skank and not be called on it, because, as they say, it's part of the costume. We're all guilty of it: I wore a lacy red garter, for God's sake. (In my defense, I would just like everyone to know that I WAS wearing shorts on Saturday.)

However, to balance out my sluttiness, my costume was extremely nerdy. I mean, how many girls do you know (this excludes Kayla and Allison) who willingly dress up as characters from songs? It's somewhat akin to dressing up as a character from a beloved childhood story, especially because the Decemberists are basically lyrical storybooks for grown-ups.

I saw a lot of Wizard of Oz characters today, Dorothy, obviously, being the most popular. There is nothing nerdy about Dorothy, except that she named her dog "Toto." In fact, though no one will ever do her quite as well as Judy Garland, it's certainly possible to be a cute Dorothy for Halloween. Here is the criteria for such a costume:

  • Cute dress must be knee-length. Clearly, it's lame to have a really long Dorothy dress, at that point you begin to morph into a slightly less morbid version of Morticia Addams. On the other hand, if the package your costume came in said "Leg Avenue" on it, you are being a slut. Take that off right now. Acutally, don't, your boyfriend is right there. Go into the bathroom and change.
  • Braids must be done in proper Judy Garland style. It's got a sort of twisty thing going on. You know what I mean. If you simply braided your hair as an excuse to show off how long an luscious it is (especially if you take great care to make sure your little braids are framing your boobs all day), you are being a slut. Take that off right now. Actually, don't, your boyfriend is right there. Go into the bathroom and change.
  • No cleavage allowed, not no way, not nohow. That's right, kids, I shouldn't even be able to tell that Dorothy's hit puberty yet. The little apron thing should cover any signs of boobage. We're talking NO plunging necklines here, people; the only thing that should be visible in that area is NOTHING, and by nothing I don't mean no clothing, I mean no skin. If I can see even the slightest hint of cleavage peeking out of that little costume, you are being a slut. Take that off right now. Actually, don't, your boyfriend is right there. Go into the bathroom and change.
In essence:
Proper Dorothy costume

Unacceptable Dorothy costume

So, yeah, there's my lesson for the day. Next year, try not to be such a ho.

Quick addition: Okay, so I'm not sure if I've entirely made my point here. Though I obviously disapprove of cute, innocent costumes that have been sluttified, there are a few exceptions. Here are some acceptable slutty costumes:

Dorky hat = cute. Don't stand like that though.

Beer girls / Barmaids / Swiss Misses are acceptable, because their role is traditionally sort of tawdry. You have to carry it off just right though.

Other exceptions to the no sluttiness rule include boys dressed in slutty girls' costumes (that takes a lot of man) and anything poking fun at religious figures (i.e. nuns). Of course, the understanding with the above costumes (slutty witches / barmaids) is that said costumes will not be worn to school, because that just doesn't work there. A general rule of thumb is that if you think it might cause the collective *ahem* size of the male population to increase when you walk by, you probably shouldn't wear it to school. Wear it to a party, hang out with friends in it on Halloween, show it off to your boyfriend, but do not, under any circumstances, wear it to school. Are you getting my drift? I think these general ground rules will make for a series of much more enjoyable future Halloweens, unless you happen to be a high school boy whose only opportunity to witness such a fantasy is in the hallways at school, in which case you don't count anyway.

♥ the best is yet to be.

♥ yours truly. ;

    "And I asked myself about the present: how wide it was, how deep it was, how much was mine to keep." --Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five

♥ Thank you

♥ Past