13 January 2007
♥ full-frontal fifteen.
No lyrics this time--too lazy. Enjoy.
- Ohhh... all we needed was time. Things are definitely getting better now, aren't they?
- So it really doesn't bother you? I think it does. I think it bothers you a lot more than you're letting on. I bet it feels weird to have the roles totally reversed. [You've got her completely whipped.]
- I guess you're quite capable of being an asshole sometimes, but for some reason I'm really drawn to you. Maybe it's the connection with him.
- Are you still hot when you talk? Actually... do you talk?
- You're the most annoying person in the world. We work quite nicely together, don't we? I guess I like you more than I'd anticipated.
- The whole mixed messages thing could get old pretty quickly, just so you know. It's sweet now, but it's not going to last. We're going to end up somewhere neither of us wants to be.
- I don't know who did this to you, but I hate them for it. It took her and now it's slowly getting to you, too. Only one more semester... stick it out? [I need you more than you think.]
- You're so... nice and normal now. Seriously... what do you want?
- I want someone to tell you what's going on. I don't want to ruin things with the two of you, but this can't go on forever.
- How can you still act like everything's just peachy keen?! You're her best fucking friend!
- You're a little more human than I think I gave you credit for. Turns out I like you just fine.
- Totally didn't see this one coming.
- You're more beautiful than you think.
- If it's too much, just say so. He'll understand.
- You need a sense of humor or you're never gonna make it through this. I really don't like you.