07 October 2007
♥ for the first time,
Seeing my ex didn't make me feel jealous or sad or angry or really anything at all. It didn't hurt to say hello. I didn't feel my chest tighten up and I didn't get that nasty, awful longing feeling in the pit of my stomach.
Because the moment I saw him, there you were. I felt you touch my hand, and I realized that nothing else in my past--exes, mistakes I've made, none of that--really matters. You are what really matters. I have you, I have my real friends (the ones who have stuck with me through thick and thin, even when I really didn't deserve it), and the truth is, I'm perfectly happy with my lot in life.
It felt good not to care who was watching. It felt good not to care what anyone else thought of me. For the first time, I got to a dance and I just wanted to dance.
Because the moment I saw him, there you were. I felt you touch my hand, and I realized that nothing else in my past--exes, mistakes I've made, none of that--really matters. You are what really matters. I have you, I have my real friends (the ones who have stuck with me through thick and thin, even when I really didn't deserve it), and the truth is, I'm perfectly happy with my lot in life.
It felt good not to care who was watching. It felt good not to care what anyone else thought of me. For the first time, I got to a dance and I just wanted to dance.