16 December 2007
♥ *sigh*
Nothing can make me feel fatter and more out of shape than going to the gym. Turns out, while gaining weight involves no work (all I have to do is sit around and not exercise ANY self-control!), shedding those unwanted pounds is a long and arduous process. It's impossible not to be reminded of this when I run for half an hour, weigh myself, and discover that I weigh only half a pound less than I did before. That's like... the difference in scale calibration. And the worst part is that when I come home, I'm starving! There is cake from Lexi in the fridge, and my mom made chili last night, and I just want to come home and stand in front of the fridge eating, eating, eating. But no. I can't. Because then my whole workout would be a waste. So I settle for some fruit leather instead. Stefen always eats it; it must be good for you! And it must be, because it tastes like shit. Nothing this nasty can be bad for you. I ate two. They were both gross. I thought maybe raspberry would be less gross than apricot, because actual raspberries are way less nasty than actual apricots. This was not the case. Then, instead of drinking something delicious, like Dr Pepper, I settled for some water. Mmm, good old h-two-oh! (My New Year's resolution is always something like "drink more water," because that is [a] healthy and [b] subjective, so if I don't do it, nobody can call me on it. Ha!) That wasn't satisfying either. You know what I really want? I really want a big bowl of my mom's chili. (Or a big bowl of something else... Ahem. But I can't do that, because then I will get the munchies. Fuck!) But then I'll be right back where I started, and all that running and lifting and hours of misery at the gym will be for naught.
I hate being healthy.
I hate being healthy.