19 March 2008
♥ my feet smell, nobody likes wind, and other observations
Today has been a long and somewhat unpleasant day. This is not a complaint; it is an observation. It wasn't just unpleasant for me. I'm pretty sure everyone I know had a less-than-spectacular day. The top things irking me right now are as follows:
5. Workout clothes. Why must my socks smell so absolutely foul after one wearing? I have a limited number of gym-appropriate socks, and I'm sick of doing laundry. Is it the socks? My feet? Do I have unusually smelly feet? No one has ever complained to me about this before. Also, it seems that no matter what length of spankies I am wearing, they always, always, always ride up, forcing me to reach up my shorts once every lap or so and pull them down. I also got hit in the ass with a ball today because I was so busy messing with my spankies. What is causing this? Is there something about my thighs that makes things ride up?
4. Biology. I have to say I'm less than thrilled about biology in general. I don't really care what my guts are doing as long as they're working, and since they appear to be, this course seems pretty much useless to me. Perhaps it's this attitude that's causing me to have a somewhat precarious grade in this class, though I'd like to point out that biology doesn't like me either. I haven't been the same since I got an eyeful of heart preservative last semester. I'm pretty sure I see formaldehyde every time I look to the right now. I wonder if I'll go blind eventually? Oh, the irony of dissection.
3. Hot chocolate. Why must something so delicious be so painstakingly full of calories? Aside from this rather broad generalization, however, I'm concerned that the quality of hot chocolate these days is going downhill. Despite the permanent emotional damage caused by a particularly harsh nickname I was given freshman year ("Swiss Miss with Mini Marshmallows" is a little below the belt, or rather above if you're taking it as literally as the sensitive and compassionate sophomore who started this), I've always felt that Swiss Miss was the best brand of mix-in hot chocolate. But lately I've noticed a disturbing trend; it seems that more powder than usual sinks to the bottom. While this stuff is normally delicious at the very end, it seems that I'm stuck with more dreggs and less delish, and I don't appreciate getting a mouthful of nasty chalk at the end of my drink. It's a bigger problem than I think most people realize.
2. Prom. Oh, prom. It's pretty amazing how much drama can be caused by one night of galavanting, even months before and after the fact. I'm not above it, of course; I think everyone recalls my dateless debacle of junior year, not to mention the fact that I ended up with the worst (okay, second-worst) date at the whole dance. But this year I'm determined to have a fabulous time at both of my prom destinations, even if I am forced to wear the same dress to both (I won't be). This task is made much more difficult, however, by the fact that I am already sick of prom. I realize that tickets are on sale, but I'm hoping (unrealistically) that everyone will shut up about it until April 26th. The same thing happens every year. And one more thing: why are there couches in the bathrooms at El Jebel? Ladies, get off your tush and go dance with your date. Also, it gives girls a place to cry at prom. Don't cry at prom. Nobody likes a prom crier.
1. Wind. I would say that the #1 most annoying thing in my life right now is wind. It makes even beautiful days like this one seem cold and bitter. But what really gets me about wind is its total uselessness. Wind has absolutely no purpose. Don't tell me it blows pollution away; where does the pollution go? It doesn't get rid of smog, it just blows it around so everyone has to look at nasty yellow clouds. What other purpose could it possible serve? Messes up my hair, blows up my skirt, steals any loose paper you happen to have, makes my eyes water, the list goes on. It's not like anyone ever says, "Oh me? I just love wind!" Like rain or snow, at least some people like those weather phenomenons. Wind is like the friend nobody likes, the teacher everyone makes fun of, the teammate you secretly conspire not to pass to. No! Don't feel sorry for it. Wind is terrible. Useless. Awful.
That pretty much wraps up the very worst things in my life right now, except one more thing: for those of you who are keeping track at home, we have 67 days til graduation, including spring break. Despite all this wind, things could be worse.
5. Workout clothes. Why must my socks smell so absolutely foul after one wearing? I have a limited number of gym-appropriate socks, and I'm sick of doing laundry. Is it the socks? My feet? Do I have unusually smelly feet? No one has ever complained to me about this before. Also, it seems that no matter what length of spankies I am wearing, they always, always, always ride up, forcing me to reach up my shorts once every lap or so and pull them down. I also got hit in the ass with a ball today because I was so busy messing with my spankies. What is causing this? Is there something about my thighs that makes things ride up?
4. Biology. I have to say I'm less than thrilled about biology in general. I don't really care what my guts are doing as long as they're working, and since they appear to be, this course seems pretty much useless to me. Perhaps it's this attitude that's causing me to have a somewhat precarious grade in this class, though I'd like to point out that biology doesn't like me either. I haven't been the same since I got an eyeful of heart preservative last semester. I'm pretty sure I see formaldehyde every time I look to the right now. I wonder if I'll go blind eventually? Oh, the irony of dissection.
3. Hot chocolate. Why must something so delicious be so painstakingly full of calories? Aside from this rather broad generalization, however, I'm concerned that the quality of hot chocolate these days is going downhill. Despite the permanent emotional damage caused by a particularly harsh nickname I was given freshman year ("Swiss Miss with Mini Marshmallows" is a little below the belt, or rather above if you're taking it as literally as the sensitive and compassionate sophomore who started this), I've always felt that Swiss Miss was the best brand of mix-in hot chocolate. But lately I've noticed a disturbing trend; it seems that more powder than usual sinks to the bottom. While this stuff is normally delicious at the very end, it seems that I'm stuck with more dreggs and less delish, and I don't appreciate getting a mouthful of nasty chalk at the end of my drink. It's a bigger problem than I think most people realize.
2. Prom. Oh, prom. It's pretty amazing how much drama can be caused by one night of galavanting, even months before and after the fact. I'm not above it, of course; I think everyone recalls my dateless debacle of junior year, not to mention the fact that I ended up with the worst (okay, second-worst) date at the whole dance. But this year I'm determined to have a fabulous time at both of my prom destinations, even if I am forced to wear the same dress to both (I won't be). This task is made much more difficult, however, by the fact that I am already sick of prom. I realize that tickets are on sale, but I'm hoping (unrealistically) that everyone will shut up about it until April 26th. The same thing happens every year. And one more thing: why are there couches in the bathrooms at El Jebel? Ladies, get off your tush and go dance with your date. Also, it gives girls a place to cry at prom. Don't cry at prom. Nobody likes a prom crier.
1. Wind. I would say that the #1 most annoying thing in my life right now is wind. It makes even beautiful days like this one seem cold and bitter. But what really gets me about wind is its total uselessness. Wind has absolutely no purpose. Don't tell me it blows pollution away; where does the pollution go? It doesn't get rid of smog, it just blows it around so everyone has to look at nasty yellow clouds. What other purpose could it possible serve? Messes up my hair, blows up my skirt, steals any loose paper you happen to have, makes my eyes water, the list goes on. It's not like anyone ever says, "Oh me? I just love wind!" Like rain or snow, at least some people like those weather phenomenons. Wind is like the friend nobody likes, the teacher everyone makes fun of, the teammate you secretly conspire not to pass to. No! Don't feel sorry for it. Wind is terrible. Useless. Awful.
That pretty much wraps up the very worst things in my life right now, except one more thing: for those of you who are keeping track at home, we have 67 days til graduation, including spring break. Despite all this wind, things could be worse.