21 August 2008
♥ mysteries of the universe
There are some things in life that are pretty much impossible to understand, like why genocide is ever allowed to happen or why my building is the only one on the CU campus that doesn't have wireless internet. Apparently college is the bearer of many such mysteries, because I can't seem to figure out when my first floor meeting is or where I pick up my mail. Actually, the main reason I'm writing this is not so much because I'm so confused about what to do, but more because I don't like introducing myself to strangers and my floor is currently overrun with them, prompting me to hole up in my room. (Please note that I have not broken the cardinal rule of residence hall living; my door is wide open.) I still can't figure out why I don't look like Blake Lively or why Marco and Ellie made out on last week's Degrassi, but I guess I should probably go make some new friends.