02 September 2008
♥ enjoy!
I've been visiting Gala Darling's site, iCing, a lot recently, and it's inspired me to become a little more involved in my blogging community. Thanks to Morgan, here goes:
1) Link the person who tagged you. See above.
2) Mention the rules on your blog. Done.
3) Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours. K, I'll get to that after the rules.
4) Tag 6 bloggers by linking them. I don't know if I'll get to six, but we'll see.
5) Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogs letting them know they've been tagged. Too lazy. They'll notice eventually.
...and six unspectacular quirks:
♥ I like routine. I'm almost superstitious about breaking it; if things go wrong I'm likely to blame it on that.
♥ I watch a lot of crime TV. My favorite is American Justice... I can't get enough of it.
♥ I hate, hate, hate green peppers.
♥ I'm somewhat messy by nature, but when I'm stressed I organize. Not clean--it can be dirty, I don't care--more like rearranging.
♥ I always sleep on my stomach.
♥ I hate reading books or watching movies out of order. I can't watch the sequel first, even if I've already seen them both before. I would never just be like, "I'm gonna reread Harry Potter 4" or "Let's watch The Empire Strikes Back tonight!"
And links: