14 October 2008
♥ a couple of things i love today
♥ Cancelled classes. Boy do I ever love sleeping in.
♥ A very detailed study guide provided by my sociology professor.
♥ New friends.
♥ Old friends.
♥ When the two groups aforementioned get along.
♥ A particular boy.
♥ The fact that I get paid on Friday.
And now, a few things I am not very happy about:
>:O The noise level here at the Hard Drive. Shut up, stupid skateboard movie boys!
>:O My roommate, and the fact that I can't find an inconspicuous way to use her academic probation to my advantage, AKA, get her kicked out.
>:O Is it really only Tuesday?!
>:O The fact that I only get to see said particular boy every two weeks.
>:O The way my tummy feels after a Doubleshot, which I desperately needed to stay awake.
>:O Midterms, yuck!