30 December 2008
♥ today i love:
♥ Sitting in the 8th row at the Avs game with my beloved friend Jojo Mac.
♥ Smutty romance novels to be read on the plane tomorrow.
♥ The smell of my new PINK perfume.
♥ The fact that my new jeans are cute AND slimming!
♥ Forty Hottest Hotties of the 90s on VH1.
♥ Make that VH1 in general.
♥ Catching up with Leah (though I wish I could see her more often!)
♥ The fact that my hair looks almost as cute as "the Rachel" today.
♥ "The Rachel"; Jennifer Aniston.
♥ Hugging my dogs after seeing Marley & Me.
♥ 3OH!3; the excitement of seeing them live in 19 days.
♥ My lingering hope that it will be warmer in Dallas.