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31 March 2008

♥ she may not feel vindictive

but I am angrier than ever. I hereby officially renounce all ties, and believe me, if I were allowed to make your life worse, I would. But I guess I wouldn't have to do much, anyway: you're as low as you can go, and it doesn't help that you've betrayed the most wonderful person in either of our lives. I love her madly and I hate you for what you've done.

You can rot in hell.

♥ the best is yet to be.

29 March 2008

♥ creativity-action-service


♥ the best is yet to be.

25 March 2008

♥ tuesolutions 3/25

Kind of like the fifteen, it was only a matter of time before I started making weekly resolutions. I know it's supposed to be a Thursday thing, but today is Tuesday and I feel like it now. Henceforth, they shall be known as Tuesolutions. This week I'm taking it easy, because a) I believe that doing stuff is overrated, and b) it's Spring Break.

1. Drink more tea. Tea is good for you. Mmm, herbs! Plus, I will drink it when I would normally drink coffee or soda, thereby cutting back on high-fructose corn syrup.

2. Try out the Raconteurs. Since Consolers of the Lonely is out today, it seems timely, plus I feel like it's good to branch out.

3. Finish Love in the Time of Cholera. I've been at it for like a year now, and I always seem to get distracted. This lovely spring weather seems conducive to reading outside.

4. Apply for some scholarships. Fortunately in-state tuition is pretty affordable, but I'm sure my parents will appreciate the break. Also, I like feeling validated.

5. Even if it makes me sound like a middle-aged soccer mom, catch up with all those photos. I have a million pictures sitting in my camera, and I need to do something with them.

♥ the best is yet to be.

♥ did it ever occur to you

that I know absolutely everything about you, and that I'm not willing to cover for you anymore? You burned that bridge a long time ago.

♥ the best is yet to be.

24 March 2008

♥ someday,

I will remember how to forget.

♥ the best is yet to be.

♥ stupid claremont mcphony!

Dear Claremont McKenna Admissions Officers,

It is with great regret that I inform you that I am unable to accept your rejection of my best friend from your very pretentious campus. I understand that many a worldy scholar has taken tea in your irritatingly quaint hallways and that your tennis team has earned itself a number of impressive honors, and please believe that I have taken note of your lovely grounds and wished that a less pompous university existed in your place. Despite these requisites, however, I feel that you are at best unqualified to simply brush off my esteemed best friend. As a result, I have declared myself her official University Selection Representative, and this letter should be taken as a stern reprimand for your arrogant exclusion of Ms. Martin.

While I'm certain that your admissions officers are required to sift through the applications of thousands of would-be yuppies, it seems that the typical cursory once-over (after all, the time of such learned scholars should not be wasted on mere mortals!) did not do justice to the application of Ms. Martin. A few things your swanky admissions office may have missed:

1. Excellent taste in most, if not all, areas. I don't know anyone else who appreciates both the genius Guillermo del Toro and the campy pleasures of Buffy and Degrassi. Also, impeccable taste in music, minus Modest Mouse. Yuck.

2. Several top honors in the Mockery Olympics. Some of these titles were earned in the doubles competition; her partner, of course, was me. This skill may seem irrelevant to you wine-sipping, collar-popping, tennis racquet-toting yuppie types, but the ability to mock some of the world's more annoying human beings (or not) is a very important life skill.

3. A healthy fear of disgusting animals, especially moray eels. Common sense.

4. Ability to bake delicious cookies. Also the owner of a panini maker, but don't say panini in front of her dad. In fact, why don't you just not say much of anything to her dad. He is not as groovy as she is. There you go, she has also overcome adversity!

5. Infinite patience. How else could someone manage to be my best friend for a whole decade?

In light of all this, I'm sure you lot will change your very conceited mind, but I also regret to inform you that it's too late. Ms. Martin has made her decision, and she will be staying right here in 300-days-of-sun-every-year (beat that, California!) Colorado, where we will have sleepovers every weekend and continue to be the very best of friends. Your pretentious halls have missed out on one of the world's more fabulous and amazing people, but it's no skin off mine: more Martin for me.

Disdainfully yours,
Emma Walker

♥ the best is yet to be.

23 March 2008

♥ turns out it really is all about me!

There was a time when I thought the whole world was out to get me, but it turned out the only thing I needed saving from was myself. When I realized that, things started to turn around for me; it's funny how the person you thought would save you can abandon you and someone who seems like a stranger can turn your life around until you don't even recognize that person you used to be. These days I'm a little less self-deprecating and a little more accepting, both of my own faults and of those around me. I don't know where I'm going, but I know what I'm staying away from. I don't know what I want, but I know who I want to find it with. I've never felt so alive or so much like there's a future waiting for me. I am madly in love with each and every one of my friends, each of the people who have stuck with me through thick and thin, each of the people who have taught me what matters and what doesn't, and that I am, in fact, the luckiest girl in the world.

♥ the best is yet to be.

♥ also, malted milk balls.

Even if you're not sure what you believe or whether anyone's made it possible for you to be absolved of all your indiscretions, it's hard not to enjoy weather like this. Maybe somewhere in this weird, messed up world we live in, someone has a plan for us after all.

♥ the best is yet to be.

21 March 2008

♥ a fever i can't sweat out

I think sometimes it's good to stay in on a Friday night, especially when there's a possibility of death. I think my head could implode at any second.

♥ the best is yet to be.

19 March 2008

♥ my feet smell, nobody likes wind, and other observations

Today has been a long and somewhat unpleasant day. This is not a complaint; it is an observation. It wasn't just unpleasant for me. I'm pretty sure everyone I know had a less-than-spectacular day. The top things irking me right now are as follows:

5. Workout clothes. Why must my socks smell so absolutely foul after one wearing? I have a limited number of gym-appropriate socks, and I'm sick of doing laundry. Is it the socks? My feet? Do I have unusually smelly feet? No one has ever complained to me about this before. Also, it seems that no matter what length of spankies I am wearing, they always, always, always ride up, forcing me to reach up my shorts once every lap or so and pull them down. I also got hit in the ass with a ball today because I was so busy messing with my spankies. What is causing this? Is there something about my thighs that makes things ride up?

4. Biology. I have to say I'm less than thrilled about biology in general. I don't really care what my guts are doing as long as they're working, and since they appear to be, this course seems pretty much useless to me. Perhaps it's this attitude that's causing me to have a somewhat precarious grade in this class, though I'd like to point out that biology doesn't like me either. I haven't been the same since I got an eyeful of heart preservative last semester. I'm pretty sure I see formaldehyde every time I look to the right now. I wonder if I'll go blind eventually? Oh, the irony of dissection.

3. Hot chocolate. Why must something so delicious be so painstakingly full of calories? Aside from this rather broad generalization, however, I'm concerned that the quality of hot chocolate these days is going downhill. Despite the permanent emotional damage caused by a particularly harsh nickname I was given freshman year ("Swiss Miss with Mini Marshmallows" is a little below the belt, or rather above if you're taking it as literally as the sensitive and compassionate sophomore who started this), I've always felt that Swiss Miss was the best brand of mix-in hot chocolate. But lately I've noticed a disturbing trend; it seems that more powder than usual sinks to the bottom. While this stuff is normally delicious at the very end, it seems that I'm stuck with more dreggs and less delish, and I don't appreciate getting a mouthful of nasty chalk at the end of my drink. It's a bigger problem than I think most people realize.

2. Prom. Oh, prom. It's pretty amazing how much drama can be caused by one night of galavanting, even months before and after the fact. I'm not above it, of course; I think everyone recalls my dateless debacle of junior year, not to mention the fact that I ended up with the worst (okay, second-worst) date at the whole dance. But this year I'm determined to have a fabulous time at both of my prom destinations, even if I am forced to wear the same dress to both (I won't be). This task is made much more difficult, however, by the fact that I am already sick of prom. I realize that tickets are on sale, but I'm hoping (unrealistically) that everyone will shut up about it until April 26th. The same thing happens every year. And one more thing: why are there couches in the bathrooms at El Jebel? Ladies, get off your tush and go dance with your date. Also, it gives girls a place to cry at prom. Don't cry at prom. Nobody likes a prom crier.

1. Wind. I would say that the #1 most annoying thing in my life right now is wind. It makes even beautiful days like this one seem cold and bitter. But what really gets me about wind is its total uselessness. Wind has absolutely no purpose. Don't tell me it blows pollution away; where does the pollution go? It doesn't get rid of smog, it just blows it around so everyone has to look at nasty yellow clouds. What other purpose could it possible serve? Messes up my hair, blows up my skirt, steals any loose paper you happen to have, makes my eyes water, the list goes on. It's not like anyone ever says, "Oh me? I just love wind!" Like rain or snow, at least some people like those weather phenomenons. Wind is like the friend nobody likes, the teacher everyone makes fun of, the teammate you secretly conspire not to pass to. No! Don't feel sorry for it.
Wind is terrible. Useless. Awful.

That pretty much wraps up the very worst things in my life right now, except one more thing: for those of you who are keeping track at home, we have 67 days til graduation, including spring break. Despite all this wind, things could be worse.

♥ the best is yet to be.

17 March 2008

♥ inaudible melodies

Kayla hates Jack Johnson. She hates, hates, hates him with the fiery passion of several women scorned. Perhaps they are ex-lovers. In any case, my best friend seems to be in the majority here; everyone hates Jack Johnson and I just can't understand why! I feel like he's inoffensive at worst. How can you hate someone who's made a career out of general pleasantness?!

In part to spite Kayla but mostly just because I'm so crazy about him, I spend a lot of time listening to Jack. Did you know he was once in a surfing accident that resulted in 150 stitches on his face and kept him out of the water for two months? I heard that on the radio. I like Jack Johnson.

Anyway, I was listening to Kayla's very favorite song of Jack's, "Banana Pancakes," on the way to school this morning, and I got to thinking how lovely it would be to date him. He would sing me songs and play his ukelele, which I'm positive is much sexier than it sounds! I also really like his stubble. Stubble is in.

But alas, a boyfriend like Jack Johnson is precisely the last thing I need: if, by some miracle, I were to leap out of bed when the alarm went off and start getting ready to leave, which I think might be a sign of the apocalypse, it would probably be best if Jack said, "Have a good day at work, honey!" and sent me down the road with some delicious banana pancakes in my tummy.

But Jack would not do this. He would pull me back into bed, where I would be unable to resist his sexy stubble, and insist that I spend the day at home with him, avoiding the unpleasant weather outside and enjoying pancakes and sex all day. Who would choose work and rain over pancakes and sex with Jack Johnson? Kayla might, but that's only because she's a woman scorned. I would not choose work over this very appealing option.

Furthermore, he totally gets women. He understands that "maybe" actually means "no," so when he asks if I think I will be going to work and I say "maybe," he will get out the griddle and start making my pancakes. I also like that he would make me breakfast, because I really like breakfast, especially pancakes. Especially banana pancakes.

We would probably have our wedding on the beach. It only makes sense with Jack Johnson as the groom. Kayla would make a big stink about the whole thing and insist that no, she would not be my maid of honor because she can't stand Jack, and when I press the issue she'll finally confess that yes, they are ex-lovers. Of course, when I find this out, I'll have to leave Jack, sexy stubble and all, because my friendship with Kayla will be at stake.

His next album, as you can imagine, will be considerably gloomier. I'm Jack's Yoko Ono. I've ruined his musical career, and he can't believe he ended up losing me to stupid Kayla, who never really liked him that much in the first place. (You shouldn't have cheated on him with Conor, you dirty whore. You knew what that would do to Jack!)

Alas. Perhaps my very own wonderful boyfriend will make me some delicious pancakes and insist that I not get anything done, since he knows how I feel about breakfast and sleeping in.

♥ the best is yet to be.

13 March 2008

♥ nightcrawlers are somewhat repulsive

and I hate biology.

♥ the best is yet to be.

11 March 2008

♥ this is my 500th post

and what a long way we've come.

♥ the best is yet to be.

♥ gah! whyyyyy

can't I stay healthy for more than a week at a time?! I hate being sick.

♥ the best is yet to be.

10 March 2008

♥ i can't even tell you

how grateful I am for the time-waster that is CSAP. It's so nice to sleep in... I needed this break.

♥ the best is yet to be.

09 March 2008

♥ you

You make me feel pretty, dainty, wanted, fragile, like the most beautiful girl in the world. I'm sorry for all those things I said; I hope you know I didn't mean it. I'm luckier than I ever thought possible. I can't believe I found you when I wasn't even looking, but now, I'm so glad I did.

♥ the best is yet to be.

06 March 2008

♥ i love

Matchbox Twenty. Love, love, love them. Sigh...

♥ the best is yet to be.

05 March 2008

♥ no, i will not go with you!

I didn't realize I'd have to be so painstakingly clear about it, you stupid idiot. Seriously, every time you talk to me, I hate you a little more.

♥ the best is yet to be.

04 March 2008

♥ six months and counting

Thank you for everything.

♥ the best is yet to be.

03 March 2008

♥ as it turns out,

lacrosse is really hard. You'd be surprised how difficult it is to catch a rubber ball in a tiny net at the end of a long stick.

♥ the best is yet to be.

02 March 2008

♥ you know what?

My life is a mess right now.

...I kind of like it this way.

♥ the best is yet to be.

♥ yours truly. ;

    "And I asked myself about the present: how wide it was, how deep it was, how much was mine to keep." --Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five

♥ Thank you

♥ Past